About Claudia Antony

I am a joyful and passionate person, who is a keen listener!

I am in the business of empowering ones that are keen to go the extra mile to achieve their fullest potential!

Being an educator for many years, I have experience in teaching in Public and Private Schools in Melbourne and overseas. Currently, I live in Melbourne. I am reading a book written by Ps Virginia Killingsworth, called Miracles are Normal and On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers, an exceptional psychologist. Until a few months ago, Axel, a German Shepherd cross Huskie was my pet for the last nine years. We lost him due to chronic sickness. Now, I have a two-year-old kelpie called Albert.

I read a lot, enjoy painting, gardening, visiting places and exploring nature. Now, I am mostly writing books.

As for me, teaching/mentoring is a calling over my life, to make an impact on the lives of young and matured through years, to help them unravel their uniqueness and be life-long learners that are ever becoming the best version of themselves. The best piece of advice that I hold dear in me is to live in the moment fully committed to the people, the place and the experience, give your very best and receive that which is being given to you. Then you are fully alive and ever becoming a new creation!